Wednesday, February 20, 2013

About Communication


I expect to learn about ways of communicating using another language (Japanese) and the challenges that may arise. I've never filmed a presentation or project before (of this length) so the presentation of information will be different from, say, that of a poster. You don't want to convey the wrong message and conceal the intended message but you want to present the information in a clever (not so obvious), fun, and humorous  way.

To me, communication is successful when there is a mutual understanding of the information, message or argument intended to be communicated. But both parties need not and often do not perceive the information in the same way, for many possible reasons, so if one wants to communicate something effectively to another, the communicator should be conscious of his audience and the recipient of the message should leave personal biases out of his interpretation, if possible, so there is no misunderstanding.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

私の好きな物はサイエンスの本です。ぶつるがくとせいぶつがく(physics and biology)はいちばんおもしろいす。加来 道雄(Kaku Michio) の本をいつも読みます。加来さんはニュヨークーのぶつりがくのきょうじゅです。あたまがとてもいいです。毎週土曜日としょかんへ本を読みに行かなければ行けません。大きいいすにすわって、本をあけて、ゆっくり読みます。たのしいですよ。

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


きょうは 火曜日です。今日は一ばんいそがしいです。クラスが 五つあ りますよ。クラスは九時までです。つかれますから、はやくねます。しゅくだいはこのブログポストだけです。りょうへかえてから、しゅくだいをして、パソコンをつかって、ベッドでやすみます。